Panel 1:
We're on one of the many islands that dot the Sea of Thieves. Two skeletons run towards a group of pirates who are off-panel to the left. The one that lags behind looks thoughtful.
Skeleton 1: Look! Pirates! Lemme at 'em!
Skeleton 2: Ha! We fear no...
Skeleton 2: Wait... they have something with 'em...
Panel 2:
A dog runs in from the left of the panel. The skeletons jump away in fright, and begin to run off-panel to the right.
Skeleton 1: AIEEEE! Our natural enemy!
Skeleton 2: Flee!
Panel 3:
We continue watching the same spot, blissfully unaware of the carnage that must be occurring just off-panel.
Panel 4:
The dog trots back across the scene from right to left, carrying a skeleton's lower leg (with foot still attached) in its mouth.