Panel 1:
We're on an unknown island. A Shadow Skeleton approaches a Shadow Captain Skeleton.
Skeleton: Cap'n, sir!
Skeleton: We're gettin' reports of strange creatures invadin' our islands!
Panel 2:
The Shadow Skeleton throws his arms up in the air.
Skeleton: ...squawkin' an' chitterin' and' jumpin' around...
Panel 3:
The Shadow Skeleton Captain replies.
Captain: Ah, so the pets have finally arrived...
Skeleton: No, sir...
Panel 4:
The camera pulls out, showing a mass of pirates milling around the island, presumably chattering to an unseen audience. The Shadow Skeletons stand above them on a rocky outcrop.
Skeleton: ...the streamers are back.
Streamer 1: Stronghold keg!
Streamer 2: Best pirate you've ever seen
Streamer 3: Git gud
Streamer 4: OMFG laggg
Streamer 5: Ahoy mateys
Streamer 6: Fort tuck
Streamer 7: grog grog grog
Streamer 8: Hacks