Panel 1:
We're watching a TV broadcast. A Skeleton Captain talks to the camera. In the background, a skeleton wearing a red bandana jumps up and surprises another Skeleton.
Skeleton Captain: Do you enjoy surprising your friends?
Skeleton Captain: Can you really light up a room?
Panel 2:
The Skeleton Captain continues talking to the camera. In the background, the Surprised Skeleton punches the Bandana Skeleton. His skull flies clear off his body.
Skeleton Captain: Do you have a really short fuse?
Skeleton Captain: Do you take joy in ruining people's lives?
Panel 3:
The Skeleton Captain continues talking to the camera. The camera has pulled back a bit to show that the Skeleton Captain is holding a suspicious red barrel. The Surprised Skeleton walks towards the camera.
Skeleton Captain: Do you have everyone and everything?
Skeleton Captain: Do you just want to watch the world burn?
Panel 4:
The camera has pulled out far enough to show that the Skeleton Captain is holding a Gunpowder Barrel. The Surprised Skeleton, now alongside the Skeleton Captain, is also holding a Gunpowder Barrel.
Skeleton Captain: Then don't delay!
Skeleton Captain: Sign up for Cap'n Kaboom's 'Splodeyboy Squad today!