Panel 1:
We're on Cannon Cove in the Sea of Thieves, where an Ashen Crewmember is lugging a Crate of Exquisite Spices up to a Skeleton Chef. The Skeleton Chef is busy dejectedly sprinkling spices onto a banana.
Ashen Crewmember: Another crate of exquisite spices for ya...
Skeleton Chef: --Sigh--
Skeleton Chef: I thought cooking for the Ashen Lords would be fun...
Panel 2:
The Ashen Crewmember passes the Skeleton Chef, who turns to talk to him as he walks away.
Skeleton Chef: ...but they just want everything covered in chilli. I'm not sure they even taste it any more...
Ashen Crewmember: Aye. An' it plays merry hell wi' their digestion.
Panel 3:
Elsewhere on the island, we see an Ashen Lord (Warden Chi) going into a small wooden shed with a protruding funnel and a crescent moon cut out of the side. It's an outhouse, as denoted by a sign in the foreground.
Panel 4:
Wide shot of the island, with an Ashen Tornado appearing in the sky. It seems to originate from the small wooden shed that we saw previously...