Panel 1:
A group of three pirates - two male, one female - celebrates together in an otherwise empty panel. One male pirate (Doctor Nik) wears a full set of Ashen cosmetics and a wide-brimmed hat. He has a straggly grey-ish beard and a Day 1 Patch. He hoists a tankard of grog. The female Pirate (Mogzymoo) wears a dark dress with a wide purple belt and purple leggings. She has blue hair and blue face paint. She plays the accordion. The other male pirate, Pumpkinief, also holds his grog aloft. He's wearing crab-themed clothing, with an oversized pincer adorning his right shoulder. He has a huge, blonde beard. At the top of the panel, a shanty verse is written on tattered paper.
Caption: Two full years of battling skellies / Clashing swords amongst the melees / Quaffing grog to warm our bellies / We have sailed together
Panel 2:
Two sinister shadows appear in the background: skeletons! One appears to be wielding a barrel (presumably containing gunpowder, as is their wont). The pirates lower their grogs and accordion, and form a defensive circle. The shanty continues at the top of the panel.
Caption: Through Tall Tales to caves of plunder / Flames of fates, it is no wonder / We went off to seek the thunder / When we sailed together
Panel 3:
Panic not! The skeletons are friendly, and simply wanted to join in the celebrations. One knocks tankards with Doctor Nik and gives the thumbs-up, while the other is holding not a barrel of gunpowder, but a Chest of a Thousand Grogs. Mogzymoo and Pumpkinief raise their tankards and cheer. At the top of the panel, the shanty continues.
*Caption:" On we press, with lanterns aglow / Patching up the holes below / Wishing skellies had less ammo / Still we sail together
Panel 4:
The skellies and the pirates all sing and drink together as the shanty concludes above them.
Caption: So on this day we raise a toast / Journeying forth from each outpost / Still searching for the Shrouded Ghost / Setting sail together